Thursday, March 28, 2019

College Essay: If You Could Meet Anyone, Who Would It Be And Why - Pol :: essays research papers

College Essay If You Could Meet Anyone, Who Would It Be and Why - Polonius ofHamletPolonius, father of Laertes, in William Shakespears Hamlet, strikes me assomeone exceptional. In the first locomote, he gives advice to his son who isdeparting on a journey. Poloniuss advice guides me in almost every aspect ofmy life. I would alike(p) to talk with Polonius to gain more insight on life.Along with other(a) advice, Polonius delivers one of te most famous quotes fromHamlet "To thine own self-importance be true." Poloniuss quote helps me make toughdecisions. Such an occasion arises when I have weighed the advantages anddisadvantages of a choice, and they are equal. When faced with this situation,I ask myself, "would I be true to myself if I..." For example, I am temperate,and do non move in certain activities harful to me such as drinking ordoing drugs. Occasionally, others find out to influence me to drink. Sometimes, Iam tempeted however, I know that I would non be true to myself if I submitted.I realize drinking is not somthing I want, nor is it in my best interest.Being true to myself involves acting in accordance with my values. Imustconduct myself like a gentleman and use meet etiquette for te given situation.Thus, the quote acts as a reminder for me to act properly. The next few linesare "and it must follow as the solar day the night, / thou canst not then be false toany man." By acting like a gentleman, I can assure muself that I will not harmnor create conlict with many people. For example, I stay on calm in situationsthat most people would become upset and swear. Then, I am in a better positionto deal with the would-be(prenominal) conflict.Next, Polonius covers many aspects of life. He tells us how to choose andtreat friends, as wellhead as rules for listning and speaking. We are told not tolend or borrow items becase "for bestow oft loses both itself and friend," meaningone will end up losing a friend as well as what he contribute "Be thou familiar butby no way vulgar" tells us to understand things that are immoral, but not to

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